For those of you who are unfamiliar with Ram Bahadur Bomjon, please visit here (1st, 2nd)to understand the context this speech is presented in.
The following is a translation of Ram Bahadur Bomjon's speech given on August 2nd, 2007. The translation was provided by the good folks at, a newborn site dedicated to distributing the messages of this phenomenon. A video of the speech can be found at site.
"A message of peace to the world… murder, violence, greed, anger and temptation has made the human world a desperate place. A terrible storm has descended upon the human world, and this is carrying the world towards destruction. There is only one way to save the world and that is through ‘dharma” (religious practice.) When one doesn’t walk the righteous path of religious practice, this desperate world will surely be destroyed. Therefore, follow the path of religion and spread this message to your fellows. Never put obstacles, anger and disbelief in the way of my meditation’s mission. I am only showing you the way; you must seek it on your own. What I will be, what I will do, the coming days will reveal. Human salvation, the salvation of all living beings, and peace in the world are my goal and my path. “Namo Buddha sangaya, namo sangaya.” I am contemplating on the release of this chaotic world from the ocean of emotion, on our detachment from anger and temptation, without straying from the path for even a moment, I am renouncing my own attachment to my life and my home forever, I am working to save all living beings. But in this undisciplined world, my life’s practice is reduced to mere entertainment.
The practice and devotion of many Buddhas is directed at the world’s betterment and happiness. It is essential but very difficult to understand that practice and devotion. But though it is easy to lead this ignorant existence, human beings don’t understand that one day we must leave this uncertain world and go with the Lord of Death. Our long attachments with friends and family will dissolve into nothingness. We have to leave behind the wealth and property we have accumulated. What’s the use of my happiness, when those who have loved me from the beginning, my mother, father, brothers, relatives are all unhappy. Therefore, to rescue all sentient beings, I have to be Buddha-mind, and emerge from my underground cave to do “vajra” meditation. To do this I have to realize the right path and knowledge, so do not disturb my practice. My practice detaches me from my body, my soul and this existence. In this situation there will be 72 goddess Kalis. Different gods will be present, along with the sounds of thunder and of “tangur ,” and all the celestial gods and goddesses will be doing “puja” (worship.) So until I have sent a message, do not come here, and please explain this to others. Spread religious knowledge and religious messages throughout the world. Spread the message of world peace to all. Seek a righteous path and wisdom will be yours"
P.S - I'm gonna try to find out what these phrases and words mean. Please feel free to help out.
“Namo Buddha sangaya, namo sangaya.”
"Vajra" Meditation
"Goddess Kalis"
Friday, September 7, 2007
The First Message
Posted by
Mr. Barbarian
4:02 PM
Labels: Ram Bahadur Bomjon, Spirituality
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Vajra is a Tibetan Buddhist sect.
'Vairayana". The meditation he's talking about is actually different forms of meditational yoga. The Vajra tradition of Tibetan Buddhist claims to have secret knowledge, only tranferrable from guru to student, of how to attain full elightenment and buddhahood in one lifetime.
I think a better description of dharma should be given. It is religious practice, in the sense that you approach everything you do with a sense of your divine purpose and with the sacredness of the religion inherent within that. It is not, as might be interpreted, going to church or temple and singing songs. Your dharma is your calling and purpose, not defined by your conscious mind, but by your heart and through divine providence.
Puja means the worship and
Kali or the kalica is a goddess in hindu religion...
i'm agree with Don...
If anyone finds out what a tangur is, could you go to the Ram Bahadur Bomjon - Wikipedia talk page and let us know? Thanks.
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